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How To Replace 6th Sense Whirlpool Tumble Dryer Belt? | Bauknecht, Laden, Maytag Tumble Dryer Belt

by / Wednesday, 05 June 2024 / Published in Belts, Tumble Dryers

Changing the Belt and Clearing the Error Code on a Whirlpool 6 Sense Condenser Tumble Dryer

Welcome to our guide on replacing the belt and clearing the error code on a Whirlpool 6 Sense tumble dryer. This guide can also be applied to Bauknecht, Laden, and Maytag tumble dryer machines.

If your clothes are still damp and lying at the bottom of the machine, there's a good chance that the drum is not turning. You can test this by starting the machine and quickly opening the door to see if the drum is spinning. Alternatively, you might find that the machine is not working and the lights are flashing. This indicates an error code, two red and three green lights flashing, which shuts down the machine because one of the components isn't functioning correctly.

The belt used on this machine was a 2010 H7 .


Please remember that, when working with any electrical appliances, safety should always be your top priority, and we also suggest you watch our video.


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Clearing the Error Code & Disassembling the Machine

To clear the error code, you need to turn the dial to the 6 o'clock position, press the button three times, then quickly advance it to the 7 o'clock position and press the button three more times.

The first step in the repair process is to remove the lid. You can do this by unscrewing the three screws at the back, tapping the lid backwards, and lifting it off. Now you can see that the belt has snapped and fallen to the bottom of the machine.

Next, you will need to disassemble the machine. Remove all the components on the front, which are the condenser, the water collection tray, and the door, to prevent it from getting scratched. There are two screws on the top of each panel, one screw at the base on each side, and several screws at the rear of the machine. Make sure to note where each screw comes from, as they are different lengths.

Once you've removed these, take off the two hoses at the back, which lead to the pump. Then, remove the screws on each side panel to remove the side panels.

Next, you will disconnect the wiring on the left-hand side which are held in place by plastic clips which you press to release the wiring harness.



Replacing the Whirlpool 6th Sense Tumble Dryer Belt

Now that you've disassembled the machine, you can replace the belt. The old belt will have a code on it, such as 2010 H7, which you can use to order a replacement.

To put the new belt on, you'll need to remove several parts, the back bearing cover, the nut, and two other screws, which will let you slide the bearing off the shaft.

Next, remove the screws from the base of the machine, then the heater cover. Removing the heater cover will reveal five hidden screws at the base of the heating element. Loosen these screws to ease the panel back and allow you to get the new belt on. Finally, remove the fan.

With the machine disassembled and the old belt removed, you're ready to install the new belt. Start by placing the belt over the fan, onto the shaft. Then, slightly ease the motor towards you to allow the belt to slide down so it lines up with the pulley.

Line up the belt around the drum, ensuring that you do this gently and without forcing it. Next, you'll need to undo the tension spring to pull the belt over the pulley wheel, which gives the belt its tension on the drum. Rotate the drum slightly to ensure the belt is lining up correctly.

Before reassembling the machine, make sure the belt is turning freely and is correctly aligned.

If you're not familiar with how to replace the Whirlpool tumble dryer belt, we recommend you watch our video thoroughly.



Reassembling the Whirlpool Clothes Dryer Machine

Begin by lining up the back panel with the base and securing it with screws. Next, replace the bearing cover and tighten the nut while supporting the drum.

Ensure the front of the drum is sitting on its runners correctly and the shaft is coming through the back panel. Also, make sure to align the collection tray to come through the panel correctly.

Once everything is correctly aligned and secure, replace the fan blade cover, heating cover, and pump cover. Reassemble the door and replace the water collection tray and condenser.

Before using the machine, it's a good idea to clean the condenser and remove any fluff and dust from the machine. You can visit our repair guide to learn how to clean your tumble dryer thoroughly.

Finally, test the machine to ensure it's working correctly. If everything is in order, the machine should be ready for use again.


A broken belt can cause your tumble dryer to stop working properly, but with this guide, you should be able to repair the problem by yourself. 


We would recommend you watch our video since we're showing you how easily you can change the belt and maintain your Whirlpool 6th sense tumble dryer.


If you need any parts for your Whirlpool tumble dryer, you can find them on our site.


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