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Hotpoint Aquarius FDM Dishwasher flashing lights and there fault codes
Why not fix it yourself following these simple steps in the video and avoid the expensive call out charges of an engineer. A simple service of your dishwasher or replacing parts often solves the problem.Fault or error codes used in Aquarius range dishwashers produced Hotpoint however, these error codes may apply to a few other dishwasher
Hotpoint FDM550 Dishwasher fills, but doesn’t run cycle
My dishwasher will start and fill with water, but won’t actually start the cycle. I have watched a video you did to service the machine. But cannot find a float by the filters.
The lights it flashes are the rinse, salt, wash and end.
Only light not flashing is dry.
Hotpoint Dishwasher Aquarius FDM550P All lights flashing
All the lights are flashing when I try to start a wash.
Hotpoint Dishwasher FDM550P with the Start/Pause and End leds flashing.
I have a Hotpoint Aquarius FDM550 with the Start/Pause and End leds flashing. I am wondering which fault it is and what is wrong and what I need to buy.
Thanks in advance,