Thermal Imaging Camera to repair refrigeration using mobile phones, android Iphone
Using Thermal Imaging Camera to repair refrigeration
Using thermal imagery to find faults and assist you with repairs on refrigeration has never been so easy with the new technology that is available on mobile phones iPads laptops and many other devices. This technology can help you find fault on fridges, freezers, air conditioning units, cold rooms, Refrigeration cabinets, ice boxes, etc
- insulation faults,
- overheating Motors and fan motors,
- bad connections on the electrics,
- testing door seals for there efficiency
- refrigerant not circulating correctly,
The Cat phone that i am using is just one of many and mine has a temperature range of -20 up to 150 degrees Celsius to my knowledge all Android phones like Samsung Nokia etc they are now also available on iPhone and iPads have a plug-in devices called
Flir thermal imaging camera this infrared technology was first used on military applications to search for people and in some cases was used on some types of armaments.
In this video above I will explain just some of the applications that it can be used for and you will see in the images below how they can be used to detect hot and cold areas of refrigeration, it will also assist you on different ways to fit new types of electronic thermostats and replace the old type thermostats it can also assist you on making a decision on where you can make holes in refrigeration cabinets because it can detect the heat from the pipes within that you can not see normally.
I have put links below to what i think is the best phones and plugins for for caterpillar, Samsung, iPhone - Apple, Nokia etc and also multi meters like Fluke with Flir thermal imaging cameras
On all images you will see a line running down the middle with a circle and two arrows next to it- try moving the circle from left to right to see the difference between the thermal image and the original picture of the fridge freezer.
old type cooling plate on a refrigerator in a fridge freezer
Modern absorption plate on a refrigerator
In the Picture on the left you are not only able to see the heat being expelled through the radiator from the refrigeration gas, but you can also see the temperature of the motor, if there was a cooling fan fitted to this system you would be able to see the temperature of the bearings on the motor and also see the airflow efficiency in the cooling area.
When you expose the wiring on the compressor you would see immediately if there are any loose or high resistance connections in the wiring: this is due to the temperature rise on bad connection or PTCs, or starter relays getting too hot.
Heat coming from left hand side of new fridge freezer
No heat coming from rear apart from compressor motor
Heat coming from Right hand side of new fridge freezer
Using this technology it's a great way to see inside the cabinets to understand how the pipe work runs to the fridge freezer on different makes, it will also assist you in many areas refrigeration repair there is a list of videos below that will help you on other fridge and freezer repairs
How to repalce a fridge freezer Thermostat on Hotpoint Indesit
Temperature and wattage data logger on Samsung Frost Free Fridge freezer
Fridge is warm and freezer is cold AEG, Electrolux & Zanussi
How to unblock a Fridge leaking water from inside.
How to Program elitech ecs 16 digital temperature controller for Fridges and freezers
Hotpoint Frost Free Fridge Freezer Service Manual/Workshop