by / Wednesday, 05 October 2016 / Published in

Dangers of insufficient wiring on electrical connections


A significant amount of house fires are electric in origin, meaning appliances and power sockets that catch fire. It it therefore very important that you use the adequate electric wiring throughout the house, specially with high power consumption appliances such as Electric or Induction Hobs, ovens e cookers. Most electrical fires occur because wires to thin are used to wire the applianc. That causes wires and connections to build up "hotspots" where temperatures rise and accumulate, leading to potential fires when the temperatures on them get to high. Always use 6mm cables from the RCD to your kitchen socket, as it is the standard recommend cable size in the UK and Europe.

To show you what an insufficient cable looks like under a thermal imaging camera take a look at the following interactive image:


Drag the divider line to alternate between normal and thermal image.
[twenty20 img1="11636" img2="11635" width="100%" offset="0.1" align="right"]

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