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Hotpoint BFI620 dishwasher integrated displays error code F10 Leds 2 & 4

Appliance purchased in Nov 2005. Low mileage despite age. Trouble started with a full load of dirty dishes which I had to do by hand!On the normal cycle it now pumps out the water at the bottom of the compartment and then begins to refill after which it skips the washing and rinse cycles and the heater comes on and we finish up with dirty dry but warm dishes and a machine full of steam. I tried running the pump until there was only a cupfull in the filter, switching off and pouring a bottle of white vinegar into the filter. I restarted the machine on the normal cycle, it filled up with water and then the heat came on producing a vinegary steam. I switched off when leds 2 and 4 started flashing. It seems to me that if I need a new heater element the cost of labour and parts would suggest that I should replace the Hotpoint with a new modestly priced machine.