Whirlpool Washing machine (LA 57 0OX KWO) leaks immediately

by / Friday, 14 November 2014 / Published in

I own a Whirlpool Washing machine (LA 57 0OX KWO) that seems to have just died; I can\’t afford a new one, so I\’m trying to repair it myself. I have two problems. 1.The washing machine fills with water but it leaks immediately from underneath. (Hoses are good, top fill model)- Could you help me diagnose the problem? I tried to do this myself using your website but had no luck. 2. Sometimes the agitator turns, sometimes it doesn\’t , sometimes it turns with a little help. Lastly, does your site include a repair manual for the leaking problem? Thank you for any help you may be able to offer.



Paul answers

Paul answers


Good morning Sal

Your washing machine is an American model, and we don’t have any videos on these yet. But here are some things to check.

If the appliances is leaking straight away when the machine starts to fill please check two things there is a seal on the base of the drum where the agitator shaft comes through the drum this might have a split in it. Next you should be able to remove the out case on the machine and then fill the drum by hand and you should see where the water is coming from, also check the pump and the pipes that lead to it.

You need to solve the leak problem first to enable you to use the machine safely before we can try and help on the other problem.

If you are not mechanically minded then it might be worthwhile take out appliance insurance.

American appliance insurance

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