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White knight how to replace vent hose & service tumble dryer

by / Thursday, 18 January 2018 / Published in Repair Guides, Tumble Dryers

How to replace vent hoses on White knight tumble dryers

White knight tumble dryers are reasonably easy to work on,  if you don't know how they are put together and don't have anybody to help you out and give you a few hints then this video will! they were made by Crosslee and manufactured them for a lot of brands like Bauknecht, Bosch,  Electrolux, Frigidaire, Hygena, Ignis, Laden, Neutral, Philips, Radiola, Thorn, Tricity Bendix, Whirlpool, White Knight, Zanussi,  

This video is on a White knight tumble dryer that is not getting rid of the moist air correctly and has a split vent hose.  A lot of our customers and YouTube viewers have asked us how to change the vent hose on these tumble dryers, so we'll do just that with this video.

To reach the hose end you'll have to strip the back lower panel off completely, please follow the procedures on the video, slowly and methodically and you should be alright. In the event you find yourself stuck at any point you are more than welcome to contact us as we do go out of our way on occasion to help our customers and viewers.

While you are at it, do take the opportunity to clear all the fluff you can out of the dryer, as it improves the useful lifespan of your White knight tumble dryer and prevents it become a fire hazard.

Before you start any investigation of the fault or even remove the lid of your tumble dryer please watch our videos and fully understand them in full and pay particular attention to the safety and information notices

Please remember to support our site by buying spare parts from our store and, if you decide we really helped you can always share the site with friends.

There are loads of video below to help you repair your tumble dryer condenser or vented and they will help you with all these makes listed above that are made by  Crosslee