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Bosch, Neff, Siemens Tumble dryer intermittent fault starts and stops afer a while or does not start

by / Saturday, 26 March 2022 / Published in Tumble Dryers

Watch the video it will explain the fault and show you how to diagnose the problem and rectify it

This video will show you How to repair your tumble dryer when it will not start or may have an intermittent fault like, it may start and run for a few minutes and then cut out, there may be no light on the control panel, the tumble dryer will not start, nothing works, etc


On Bosch, Neff, Siemens sometimes your tumble dryer will have an intermittent fault, 

This can normally be a fault with the tumble dryer printed circuit board known as the PCB. if you getting power to the PCB from the mains lead and electrical filter or known as a suppressor then you may have a damaged board it is quite common for the link switch to blow as if they get hot (normally caused by a voltage drop)

the repair that was done on this tumble dryer was that a link switch had gone and taken out an SMD 101 Surface mount resistor the link switch that was on this Bosch dryer was replaced with tny266pn the original was tny266gn the firm did a nice job and it is well worth having it done for you at about £40 at the time of writing

if you have the right equipment it is possible to do the job yourself but I well recommended having it done for you as the SMD is so small. I could hardly see it lol (getting old) I have seen a lot of these circuit boards go over the years and one common denominator that I spot is normally there are two appliances plugged in on one circuit sometimes the voltage may drop because the amperage pulled is so high especially when both items are on heating 10 amp on the dryer and about the same on the washing machine if the plug is a spur electrical socket the cable is normally only rated to 16 amp!

You can see the damage to the link switch and Surface mount resistor

the original was tny266gn plus SMD 101

The PCB on this tumble dryer was part number 00750591 it fits many machines like WTE64106GB, WTE84105GB  We all have the right to repair. this PCB was repaired for £40. it would have cost £230 from Bosch if you repaired the board your self it would be less than a tenner