Hoover Tumble Dryer 5050ED not turning

by / Thursday, 12 February 2015 / Published in

Hi there Paul, I am in Australia (originally from the UK) and I have a Hoover Tumble Dryer which I am trying to fix. The model is a 5050ED and I have purchased a condenser unit 7UF which I believed to be the correct one. The dryer itself works with a bit of assistance:) It will not start if not given a helping hand. By that I mean that I have to get all the buttons ready and alight and then I need to spin the drum by hand and close the door very quickly so that it has enough oomph to turn. However, sometimes when it has to start again after about 30 seconds due to the fact that the motor has to restart it will more often than not just hum and not turn. Does this sound like the capacitor to you please? My son took the dryer apart and the condenser is not the same as the one that is inside. The one inside does not have the 4 prongs to connect the wires to. Can you please advise me as to which capacitor would fit my dryer as I could not find the model number listed on your site. Regards Jane 




Paul answers

Paul answers



Hoover Tumble Dryer Spare Parts


Hi Jane 



Hi jane if you have a hoover tumble dryer is not turning.The humming noise that you can hear is the motor trying to start without a good capacitor the motor will not start and you will hear a humming noise. As you say with a little bit of assistance in other words  pushing the drum the tumble dryer will actually start to turn.

You need to change the capacitor on a motor . some capacitors have two terminals and some have 4 but there is only a positive and negative side to a capacitor, If you have two wires then put one wire on one side and put the other wire on the other side,If you are unsure on how to connect this up properly then please seek assistance from a qualified electrician!

I hope this answers all your questions. I have put some videos below to help you with your tumble dryer but they are not on hoover but they will give you a general idea on what you should be doing


One Response to “Hoover Tumble Dryer 5050ED not turning”

  1. m says : Reply

    Hiya.Also in Oz.Ex-UK.Hoover dryer as well.Model 5030D.I think it could be bearings in the one I have.It dosent seem to spin freely when its off.It can barely take a load when it does run.Just wondering what your thoughts are?

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