How to replace bush fridge freezer light bulb
How to replace Bush fridge freezer light bulb can be used for 100’s of makes
This article will show you how to replace a light bulb in Bush Fridge Freezer. Most new Bush fridge models feature a light cover which is clipped into position. These can be removed by squeezing the cover. Some older models also have a screw which needs to be taken out before removing the cover. Refer to the user manual for your fridge for further details. Can't find it, don't worry this video will help you.
Most light bulbs or lamps can be checked visually for a broken filament or can be checked with a multi-meter for continuity. You can also simply replace the bulb with a new one.
If you have verified that the light bulb or lamp is not defective, then you should next inspect the socket. Look for discoloured terminals or heat damaged sockets that may prevent good connectivity to the light bulb or lamp. also check that the light switch is working correctly This is a live voltage circuit and power should be removed before close inspection of the socket or switch.
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