Diagnosing Dishwasher faults using test meter for wattage and amperage and understanding electrical consumption

by / Wednesday, 04 October 2023 / Published in Dishwasher, Heaters and Thermostats, Pumps, Water Systems & Valves

This video will not only show you how to test your dishwasher, but also will show you how to save a lot of money



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Welcome to How to Repair! πŸ› οΈ test procedures for understanding your dishwasher


For over 40 years, I've been dedicated to fixing dishwashers and sharing my knowledge. One of the most transformative tools I've come across in my journey is the meters,

My multimeter allows me to test individual components, and also measure the ohms resistance of an individual component,

My clamp on meter allows me to see what an individual component is drawing on the dishwasher,

The display meter which measures wattage, amperage, electrical consumption in kilowatts and also shows me what voltage and frequency I have before I plug the appliance in. These devices are not just tools; they're the bridge between understanding your appliance and diagnosing its issues. πŸ”

Depending on your budget, you can get these for under Β£15

Why are meters indispensable? πŸ€”

Meters provide a comprehensive view of your dishwasher's operations. They can measure everything from the voltage and wattage to the kilowatts used during a cycle. This data is invaluable, as it not only helps in diagnosing problems but also in understanding the cost implications of running your dishwasher. πŸ’‘

For instance, in a recent test, a typical hot cycle consumed 1.264 kilowatts of energy, costing 45 pence. Such insights can guide you to make informed decisions about when and how to use your dishwasher, leading to potential savings. πŸ’°

Components and Their Energy Consumption: πŸ“Š

Component Wattage Ampage Ohms Resistance
Heater 1650w 6.875 34.90
Main Pump 70w 0.29 Β 
Water Valve 7w 0.02 8228
Empty pump 25w 0.10 Β 

Note: we can only determine with the pumps that they draw the wattage and ampage, depending on the load that is put on them.

Beyond diagnostics, these meters are also instrumental in understanding the energy consumption patterns of all household appliances. With the ever-fluctuating electricity bills, having this knowledge empowers you to use your dishwasher at the most cost-effective times. For those with solar panels, this might mean running appliances during peak sunlight hours. β˜€οΈ for those of you who have economy tariffs on your electricity this might mean having the appliance running within those hours example being 2 o'clock in the morning. The difference between peak rate, electricity, and off our tariffs can be over 50% of the cost per kilowatt per hour.


In Conclusion:

Understanding your dishwasher's energy consumption is a game-changer. It not only aids in diagnosing issues but also in optimizing its operation for potential savings. Support How to Repair, and remember: knowledge is power, and in this case, it can also mean savings! πŸ’ͺ🌟

The amazing thing with these wash cycles is you can actually get a full understanding of the cost of each individual wash on this Hotpoint dishwasher fdf784p for example

My electrical cost per kilowatt is 0.36p and these washers cost.

Superwash cost 0.41p and used 1.151 kw

Eco-wash did not save a lot of money it used 0.35p and used 0.989kw

The daily 60 CΒ  cost 0.30p 0f Electric and used 0.847 kW of energy.

Ohms law calculator for dishwasher element

you can use this to test your dishwasher element if needed on Hotpoint an indesit:

πŸ” Testing your dishwasher, water valve

Dishwasher water valves, generally only draw under 10 W of power

πŸ” Testing dishwasher heater

Dishwasher heating elements on domestic dishwashers normally draw no more than 2500W

πŸ” testing dishwasher drainage pumps

Dishwasher drainage pumps normally draw less than 50w

πŸ” Testing dishwasher motors circulation pumps

Dishwasher circulation pumps can vary in size but normally under 200W

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