How to replace a washing machine door seal on Hotpoint, Indesit, Ariston & Scholtes
This video is on Hotpoint washing machine and can be used on Indesit, Ariston & Scholtes models.
How to replace a mouldy washing machine door seal or one that just has a hole in it.This video is on Hotpoint washing machine and can be used on Indesit, Ariston & Scholtes models.
To order your door seal you will need your full model number. (This is normally around the washing machine door frame on a sticker)
The Causes of Black Marks & Mildew or mould On Washing Machine Door Seal and how to stop this happening
The photograph that is shown in an extreme example is caused by a bacteriological build-up in your machine due to poor cleaning and damp environment over the days that the machine is not being used. It really is that simple and, all too often down to bad maintenance.
What happens is that new type of washing machines use less water to wash and are left for too long without performing a maintenance wash which will allow bacteria to build up in the washing machine which will grow very happily in the warm damp conditions which will eventually lead to what is shown here on the door seal or door rubber as some people call it.
Black mildew marks and mould on a washing machine door seal
Also using solely liquid detergents, liquid tablets, color only powders (or liquid) as well as most of the "alternative"products like Soap nuts, Eco-balls NOT contain any bleach and will not remove any bacteria effectively. Should you wish to use these alternative products you will also have to add bleach to prevent "greying" of your whites over time as well as other problems.
Whipping the door seal after each wash will help no end leaving the machine door slightly ajar when not in use also massively helps; this allows the seal to dry out and hinders the growth of bacteria inside the washing machine's drum as well as the door seal.
Error fault codes for Ariston, Hotpoint Indesit, Scholtes washing machines
Flashing Lights & Error/Fault code
How to Replace Indesit Washing Machine Drum Paddle or lifters.
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How to replace a washing machine door seal on Hotpoint, Indesit, Ariston & Scholtes
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