Part 3 Fridge warm freezer cold Comparing the graph now the fridge freezer is fixed

by / Tuesday, 09 August 2016 / Published in Fridge & Freezer

Comparing the graphs from part 1 to part 3 using our data logger after the repair is done

Comparing the graphs on this fridge freezers has never been so easy since we built the fridge freezer data analyser and logger.

You will now be able to see the graph to compare the broken fridge freezer to the repaired one in the two videos you will see what was not working and how the repair changed the operating cycle of this samsung fridge freezer.

These units allow you to see what’s happening on refrigeration so you can analyse the faults before you start working on the appliance and you can use them in any location with Wi-Fi just connect them to the router and view the graphs on the web.

As you will see in this set of 3 videos we use the graph data to help find the fault, then in the second video we do the repair and in the last video you will see how we were able to use the graph data to see what was not working in the fridge freezer, also you will be able to check after the repair was done that all components were working correctly and the fridge freezer was cycling correctly.

our Fridge freezer data loggers

  1. record the room temperature.
  2. record the fridge  temperature.
  3. record the freezer  temperature.
  4. record the wattage (amperage) so you can see when the motor (compressor) is running or defrost element etc.
  5. transmits and record data to graph for months at a time if need.
  6. connect to any location with wi-fi so you can veiw data any where with web access in the world.
  7. can have alarms built in to send you text warnings that a unit is too warm or too cold.

If you need more info on our system please contact us

3 Responses to “Part 3 Fridge warm freezer cold Comparing the graph now the fridge freezer is fixed”

  1. S Williams says : Reply

    Guys, I can’t find out where I can find out more about you data logger aside from the three videos of the Samsung refrigerator thermal fuse diagnosis and repair. Am I mistaken, do you not sell this part? Can you direct me to where I can find out more regarding your data logger? Should I look for help with a custom build? Please advise.

    Great videos, by the way!

  2. Hani Farjo says : Reply


    i have a samsung, model RS21 FCMS it is a side-by-side freezer-cooler double doors applaiance

    i have it since 2004 exactly 15 years now

    last year it started with the problem, that does not cooling properly or not at all**

    afriend of us did try many times 4-5 times tofind the problem he could not, he opened the lids and we heated the gathered ice and it worked aabout two weeks and came always the same problem (this repeated for about 4-5 times)

    then the friend who tried to fix it he assumed the thermostat might be the problem, we brought a new one, then after almost 1-2 weeks came same problem like mentioned above**

    .. then out of no where it worked properly for one full year june 2018- june 2019!!!

    then now this year (after one year of last time in last year) the same very unpleasant problem came again

    i heated the gathered ice but it does not cooling properly

    i have pressed on both bottoms power freeze and power cooling same time to see the failure it showed me a minus sign like this: – on the right side where the digits of cooling are i can not understand what kind of failure is this??

    Even the fridge shows 3+ degrees but it does not cooling properly as it shows

    firstly; please tell me what kind of failure is that in my appliance and whether it is repairable??
    secondly; please send me a link of your ebay or shop-site generally and of proper refr. nr.
    thirdly; is it worth to repair or buy another one (new full appliance)??
    fourthly; is 15 years long time-service for this appliance or do they serving longer??

    i live in munich, south of germany

    my name is hani

    i hope you can give quick and helping answer / solution

    thank you and kind regards

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