lg washing machine De error code how to replace door lock
Friday, 04 October 2019
by Paul Charmbury
When your washing machine will not start you may have a fault the dE error code indicates that the washer door was unable to lock. This can normally be resolved by performing a simple reset on the washing machine or you may have a fault with the pin system or hinge but normally this will be
- Published in Door Seals & Gaskets, Washing machines
How a washing machine door lock or interlock works
Friday, 20 February 2015
by Paul Charmbury
How can you tell if a door interlock is faulty?Washing machine door locks really only get 3 major faultsThe points between live and common fail in some way.The NTC heater or bi-metal strip fail.The plastic gets to hot and distorts inside the lock causing it to jam. Understanding how a door interlock works helps you
- Published in Door Locks & Switches, Washing machines