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Beko, washing machine fault, finding ticking noise on motor and PCB ever

Fix Beko Washing Machine Ticking Noise & PCB Fault! DIY Repair Guide 🔄 Click here for carbon brushes Click here for PCBs Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosing and Repairing a Beko Washing Machine with Motor Ticking Noise and Circuit Board ShortIn the video below, discover how to repair a ticking noise problem with your washing machine.

If your washing machine starts and then stops or turns off and all the lights go out or the digital display goes blank there is a good chance you may have a fault with the circuit board. You may have a bad connection, a dry joint on one of the components, or you may have a

Electrolitic capacitor

 Even if you’re not a technician or an engineer, some Tumble dryer printed circuit board problems are obvious. Some common and simple problems can cause a printed circuit board not to work. A thorough visual inspection of your tumble dryer PCB could save you having to buy a new board they can cost over £150