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Hoover Candy Tumble dryer drum not turning and belt ok faulty capacitor

by / Friday, 28 October 2016 / Published in Belts, Motors & Capacitors, Tumble Dryers

Video showing how to replace the capacitor and test it

This post shows you how to diagnose and repair a Hoover Candy tumble dryer with a faulty capacitor can be used on some Maytag, Helkama, Kelvinator, Otsein, Teka, Terzismo, Zerowatt Models.

You will most likely have a faulty capacitor when you turn you tumble dryer on and you can hear a distinctive humming noise coming from the motor but the drum is not turning.  This is very easy to test. All you have to do is take the top lid of and with the palm of your hand give the drum a gentle push and it should start turning. This is because the capacitor is actually a kick stater for the motor and by doing so you just did the capacitors job, thus confirming it is faulty. 

Follow the video along and you'll find out how to open up the machine and replace the capacitor.



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There are loads of video below to help you repair your tumble dryer condenser or vented and they will help you with all these makes Hoover or Candy tumble dryer and some Maytag, Helkama, Kelvinator, Otsein, Teka, Terzismo, Zerowatt models.

remove-front-panel You will need to strip the front of to replace capacitor

You will need to strip the front of to replace capacitor


Remove motor fan blade

hoover-candy-condenser-tumble-dryer-motor-Capacitor can be changed with out removing drum but i don't recommend it

Capacitor can be changed with out removing drum but i don't recommend it


Capacitor will have a size written on it 7 UF or something close