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How to run the calibration mode on Samsung washing machine

by / Monday, 28 February 2022 / Published in Motors, Washing machines

This video will show you how to run the calibration mode on your Samsung washing machine.

Why is it important to use calibration mode? on all Series 5 ecobubble, QuickDrive, direct drive, digital inverter,
It is recommended to run the calibration mode before starting a wash after your washing machine has been installed or moved or repaired and I recommend doing it every 6 months.
Samsung washing machines can automatically detect the weight of laundry and control the water level the pcb needs to know the machine is balanced. Moreover, a balanced washing machine avoids excessive noise and vibration during operation. In addition, you can run the calibration mode if the weight detection value has changed or if you need to proceed with precision detection for the washing machine.
The Duration of the calibration mode can vary.
Normally it takes 2 to 5 minutes to run the calibration mode, but it depends on the model you have.